




Grow Your Business, Grab Our Systems

I’m sure you didn’t become a real estate agent because you wanted to spend hours, days, weeks, or months creating business plans or budgets, vetting out tech stacks, writing SOPs and email templates, or creating marketing books, but guess what? These things elevate your business, making it more predictable, efficient, and profitable! Wouldn’t having someone do all of this for you be great? You’re in the right place, friend!

Our 6-Chapter, self-paced Grow Your Business Course delivers the foundation, structure, and systems you need to build an operationally solid business that you can scale.


If you’re looking to set client expectations, win more business, present yourself in a more polished, organized way, and reduce your stress with systems in place that are consistently working for you, then let’s get started!


Are You the Right Fit?

Before I tell you about our signature course, let’s make sure you’re in the right place! You’re the perfect fit for our Grow Course if you’d like to gain insight into how to better your business operations with solid and easy-to-use systems! Let’s break it down…

You’re currently selling real estate but at times you feel frazzled or disappointed because you can’t get to more. In the day-to-day, you recognize that you may not be as organized as you’d like, and marketing, operations, or both make you kind of queasy. You realize that this business is crazy because you’re expected to be the CEO, COO, Administrative Assistant, Marketing Director, and Chief Floor Sweeper — all at once.

Maybe you are realizing that if you stepped out of your business, it would stop. Perhaps you’ve had a revolving door of assistants and you’d love help breaking that pattern, but you aren’t sure where to turn.

Maybe you want to grow your income but you feel that you’ve hit a ceiling. What if you don’t want to increase your income but you want to increase your profitability?

All sides of the spectrum are possible! If you’ve had any of these conversations with yourself then you’re in the right place. Keep reading!


What’s Inside


Business Planning Playbook

Business planning can be so tedious but so necessary! If you were driving from Chicago to LA, you would need to map out a route, right? Having a solid understanding of your numbers makes mapping out your business journey possible. We break it down into quarters and help you understand your numbers, analyze your profits, and plan for bigger projects that you want to add to your business.


Tech Check

This is the fly-on-the-wall part of the training, where we talk about what tech is needed and what is not! We’ll talk contact management, calendars, email, email marketing systems, document storage, marketing + design tools, social media schedulers, and websites. Don’t fret….I teach a pick one, nail it, and add the next approach when talking about tech.


Presentations + Guides Made Easy

These fully customizable, beautifully designed Buyer + Seller Guides were game-changers in my business. Each will give you confidence and the ability to articulate how you can help clients achieve their goals. They will help you win more business and set the stage for how you manage listings and transactions. We’ll show you how to edit them as well as how to present them.


Email Templates

The last chapter covered our customizable Buyer and Seller Guides and how to best present them. This chapter is all about consistency and streamlining. With this in mind, I’m giving the goods on what to say, how to say it, and when to say it. You will finish this section with 50+ emails you can copy, paste, and use immediately!


Listing + Transaction Overhaul

Obviously, if we’re talking about systems in real estate, we need to talk about listings + transaction management! Whether you are doing 10 deals a year or 100, working as a solo agent or as a small team, managing the process with solid SOPs saves you time, sets clear expectations, and provides the best possible experience for you, your team, and clients.


Client Marketing Playbook

Did you know that businesses with great client outreach generate almost 6x more revenue? In this chapter, we are going to take you way past pop-bys and holiday + closing anniversary cards. We’ll arm you with a 12-month actionable playbook with dozens of client outreach initiative options that are easy and inexpensive to implement.






It Gets Better with Bonuses

Join the Grow Your Business Course today and grab a front-row seat at our Scale Your Business Workshop in April — where we’ll unpack everything you need to structure, start, or scale a real estate team.

We have an action-packed event planned. You’ll walk away with everything you need for team building, including ad copy for how to hire the perfect candidate to hiring guides, interview questionnaires, job descriptions, team structure, and compensation plans. We’ll have expert advisors on hand to answer accounting and contract questions.

Looking forward to seeing you there!


"No one understands real estate systems and marketing better. I see and admire the level of thoughtfulness, creativity, and strategy Rebecca has applied to every single aspect of her coaching business."


Grow Pricing Options






For 4 Months

If I were considering whether or not to invest this money in my business, I would jump straight to this section. I’m sure you’re not hesitant to invest, but you want to make sure you’re investing wisely and the ROI is there — I get it! That’s why I created a money-back guarantee. If you’re unsatisfied with your purchase, RG + CO. offers a 7-day money-back guarantee on all of our courses. Read our Terms of Use for more details.

Still Unsure if Grow is Right for You? Book a Free 1:1

Grow Course FAQ

  • Great questions! There are a combination of workbooks, presentation slides, screenshares, and videos in the course lessons. It is all self-paced! No need to show up anywhere at a specific time. The course materials are available to you forever and can be used at any time.

  • There are a million ways to succeed in this business. I am not here to tell anyone how they HAVE to do anything in their business. I’m here to offer a different perspective than maybe what you have heard before. I dive a little deeper into Business Plans than the run of the mill plans that I have seen out there. We’ll talk about yearly plans and monthly and quarterly reviews, as well as how best to analyze your ROI and break down your efforts into the right buckets so you are evaluating them fairly.

  • Yes! We cover marketing to your sphere and past clients in Chapter 6 of this course. When we talk about contact management, not only are we talking about keeping accurate records, but we are also talking about how you connect with your contacts and when. Having a plan in place for this makes the execution so much easier! In addition, it allows you to factor the expense into your yearly business plan.

  • We do! Such a hot topic right now. We address this in Chapters 3, 4, and 5. Our course will arm you with great talking points to discuss Buyer Agency plus a page in both the Buyer’s Guide and Seller’s Guide and an email template for when you send the agreement for a buyer to sign.

  • Yes! Our fully customizable Seller Guide is the perfect presentation for any listing opportunity. It is a beautiful piece that can digitized, sent ahead of an appointment, or left behind for a seller.

  • Yes! We cover this in our Listing + Transaction Overhaul Chapter as well as in our Email Template Chapter. Our Marketing Plans + Checklists are fully customizable and can easily be shared with your seller to further enhance your polished, professional approach to getting their home sold.

  • You can send a message to anytime! In addition, at the end of each chapter, we provide a calendar where you can jump in and book a 15-minute call with someone on our team to help you through whatever you are struggling with!

Meet the Coach

I'm a mom first — my family is my first team. I'm a serial entrepreneur second. I started my real estate business in 1991. I was a solo agent for two years before I built my first team. With two babies under two, at 24 years old, I was in the top 2% of brokers nationally and selling 45 homes a year. Fast forward to being licensed in three other states with a 9-year stint abroad, and several years in leadership with two luxury brands.

Let’s connect

I took all of the systems that I had been building for 30+ years and in 5 years grew a seven-figure income in a market that I was new to. I’m here to share those exact systems with you!

I'm candid and have a no-frills approach, both in business and in life. Feeding people is my love language — I'm a sucker for good wine, I can make a mean Paloma, and I want every meal to feel like an exquisite dinner party —  whether it's just my husband and me at the kitchen island, a house full of kids, or a room full of friends + neighbors.

I see renovation projects in almost every piece of furniture or space I encounter — indoors or out. My current obsessions are gardening and our chickens. Let's talk... authenticity, systems, collaboration, coffee, travel, and good design.

I fully believe that we are the architects of our own destiny and every day presents a new opportunity to improve! I'm so glad you're here and I'm excited to get to know you better.